Web Site Links
Presented below are links to some other web sites which feature gem, rock, and mineral postage stamps.
Hans Marquardt Mineralogie - Paläontologie - Geologie und Bergabaumotive auf Briefmarken Stéphane Gigandet A collection of stamps figuring photos or images of minerals, cristals, gems, rocks, fossils and meteorites from around the world.
Richard Busch Gem, Rock, and Mineral Postage Stamps
Roberto Monticini Rivista on-line di cultura filatelica e storico postale Paleophilatelie is a focal point between Paleontology and Philately. You can find here some info about Palaeontology Science (latest news, science history and development, link to palaeontology realted web sites etc.) and it representation of Philatelic items (palaeontologists, fossils, prehistoric animals, dinosaurs, fossils etc.)
Wm Robert Johnston
Last modified: Lunedì 30 gennaio 2023