
Red numbers: Yvert et Tellier catalog


Country Year Value Scott N. Set Subject
AFGHANISTAN 1985 AFS 4 1185 1185 Quartz and geologist day
ALGERIA 1952 15 F 247 247-48

Berbericeras sekikensis 

19th Geo Congress

ALGERIA 1952 30 F 248

Columnar jointing

19th Geo Congress

ALGERIA 1980 3d 651 1 val Earthquake el Asnam
ARGENTINA Republica 2001 75c 2148 BF 2 val Antarctic geological research
ARGENTINA Republica  2010 $ 1  2809  2809-10  Soil - Wind erosion 
ARGENTINA Republica 2010 $ 1 2810 " Soil - water erosion
ARMENIA 1998 250 384 1 val 1988 earthquake
Fracture of the earth's crust
ASCENSION 1980 60 p 268 266-68 Mid-ocean ridge
BOLIVIA 1976 4p 580 1 val

Geological Survey of Bolivia 


BOLIVIA 1977 6p 612 1 val Tin International Symposium
BOLIVIA 2006 Bs 1.50 1289 1289-292 Desertification and desert
BOLIVIA 2006 Bs 3.00 1291 " Desertification and desert
BOLIVIA 2006 Bs 4.00 1292 " Desertification and desert
BOLIVIA 2007 Bs 2.00 1320 1320-21 Syncline of Maragua 
BRASIL 1988  88Cz$ 2127 BF 1 val Antartic Research 
BRASIL 2000 1,3 R$ x3 2743 a-c BF 3 val

Minerals - Map

3th Geo Congress 

BRITISH ANTARTIC Terr. 1982 3 p 86 86-91

Gonwana continental drift

280 my

BRITISH ANTARTIC Terr. 1982 8 p 87  "

Gonwana continental drift

 260 my

BRITISH ANTARTIC Terr. 1982 10 p 88  "

Gonwana continental drift

 230 my

BRITISH ANTARTIC Terr. 1982 13 p 89 "

Gonwana continental drift

175 my

BRITISH ANTARTIC Terr. 1982 25 p 90  "

Gonwana continental drift

 50 my

BRITISH ANTARTIC Terr. 1982 26 p 91

Gonwana continental drift


BRITISH ANTARTIC Terr. 1996 35 p 236 235-38 Antartic geological Research
CANADA 1972 C.15 582 581-84

Geo section - Fault

24th Geo Congress

CANADA 1980 C.38 1235 1233-236

Geologist Tyrrell 

Geological research

CESKOSLOVENSKO 1968 h. 30 1559 1559-563  23th Int. Geologic Congress 
CESKOSLOVENSKO 1968 h. 60 1560 23th Int. Geologic Congress 
CESKOSLOVENSKO 1968 h. 80 1561 " 23th Int. Geologic Congress 
CESKOSLOVENSKO 1968 1k 1562 23th Int. Geologic Congress 
CESKOSLOVENSKO 1968 1.60k 1563 23th Int. Geologic Congress 
CHILE 1996 $ 200 x4 1178 a-d

Block 4 val

Earth Sciences 


 4 y n.c.  1 val  World Mining Congress - Peking 
CHINA R.P. 1996 20 y 2699 1 val Int. Geological Congress - Peking
CHINA R.P. 2006 80 y 3250 1 val


Ancient chinese sismoscope

CHINA R.P. 2008 1 B11 B10-B11 Seismogram 
COCOS Is.  1981 24 c x2 81 a-b BF 2 val Teory of subsidence
CYPRUS - KIBRIS - Cipro 1987 20c 695 693-95 Ophiolites & Oceanic Lithosphere
DEUTSCHELAND - BERLIN occupation 1980 60 9N451 1 val

Continental drift

Alfred Wegener theory

DEUTSCHELAND ex DDR  1980 20 2143 2143-146 Geophisics - Gravimetry
DEUTSCHELAND ex DDR  1980 25 2144 Geophisics 
DEUTSCHELAND ex DDR  1980 35 2145 Geophisics 
DEUTSCHELAND ex DDR  1980 50 2146 " Geophisics - Seismology
EGYPT 1971 20M 884 1 val

Egyptian Geological Survey 

 Section of Earth

EGYPT 1979 20M 1114 1 val Geological museum - Fossil
EGYPT 1996 p. 15 1615 1 val 100 Years Geological Survey
ESPAÑA  1978  12 p  2099  2096-200 Protection of th environment 
ESPAÑA 2003 0,26 € 3259 BF 1 val National Geological chart
ESPAÑA 2006 0,29 € 3432 3432-433 Volcano - Seismology 
FAROE Is. 2009 10 Kr x6 Multi


The origin of Faroe Islands
FRANCE 1980 F. 1,60  1711 1 val Earth Sciences - Geo congress
GABONAISE  Republique - Gabon 1976 60 F C 190 1 val


Natural nuclear fission reactor

GRÖNLAND - Groenlandia 2006 8 483 482-84 Geologist at work
INDIA 1951 2 AS 232 1 val 100th of Geological Survey 
INDIA 1964 0,15 395 1 val 22th Geo Congress 
INDIA 1967 15 P 449 1 val

Survey of India 


INDIA 1977 2 748 1 val


Earth crust with fault 

INDIA 1982 R. 1.01 951 1 val 12th Soil Science Congress
INDONESIA 1985 50 r 1248 1248-50 Submarine geological research
IRAN Islamic Rep. 1990 100Rls 2419 1 val Seismogram
IRAN Islamic Rep. 1991 100Rls 2461 1 val


1st Int. Conf. seismology

IRELAND - EIRE 1995 52 978 975-78 Geological map of Ireland
ISLAND 1972 9 KR 446 1 val Island and the continental shelf
ISLAND 1983 5 573 573-74 Thermal Energy and faults 
ISLAND 1983 5,25 574   Thermal Energy and faults 
ITALIA  1981 80 L 1463 1 val Hydrogeologic failure
ITALIA  2006 0,60 € 2737 1 val Structural geology - Geological block diagram
KOREA DPR - Nord 1996 50 x5 2585 a-e Strip 5 val History of the earth 
LIBYA 1968 10 Mills 337 337-38 Anticline and oil 
LIBYA 1968 60 Mills 338   Anticline and oil 
LIBYA 1978 30 Mills 746 746-48 2th Geo symposium  
LIBYA 1978 40 Mills 747   2th Geo symposium 
LIBYA 1978 115 Mills 748  

2th Geo symposium

and volcanic crater

LUXEMBOURG 1995 F. 32 931 1 val Geophisics 
MAGYAR - Ungheria 1959 10 f 1212 1212-218 Gravimetry -Torsion balance
MAGYAR - Ungheria 1959 20 f 1213  


 Deep sea exploration 

MEXICO 1956 50 c C 235 1 val

20th Int. Geologic Congress

  V. Paracutin

MEXICO 1986 $ 40 1438 1 val Geological Institut Centenary
NAMIBIA 2003 n$ 10.00 1021 BF 1 val 100 Year geological surveying  dioptase
NEW ZEALAND 1984 24 c 791 791-94 Geology - Antartic  Research
NIPPON 1991 62 2123 1 val


Summit Conf. Earthquake 

NIPPON 1986 60 1701 1 val 11th Electon Microscopy Conference
NIPPON 1992 62 2138 1 val Geological section
NORGE - NOREG - Norvegia  2005 6 1449 1148-149 Stylized rocks layers 
OMAN Sultanate 1990 B. 80 337 337-38 Samail Ophiolite - Symposium
OMAN Sultanate 1990 B. 150 338   Samail Ophiolite - Symposium
POLSKA 1973 8 Zl 2009 2002-209 Geological Layers
PORTUGAL 1971 1.00 e 1106 1106-09 1st Congress on Economic Geology 
PORTUGAL 1971 2.50 e 1107   1st Congress on Economic Geology 
PORTUGAL 1971 3.50 e 1108   1st Congress on Economic Geology 
PORTUGAL 1971 6.50 e 1109   1st Congress on Economic Geology 
PORTUGAL 1978 4 1380 1380-383 Red Mediterranean Soil
PORTUGAL 1978 5 1381   Stone formation - Litosol
PORTUGAL 1978 10 1382   Alluvial Soil
PORTUGAL 1978 20 1383   Black Soil
PORTUGAL 2017 0.85 n.c. 2 val Geopark Azores
RHODESIA  1971 C.25 314  

Granite - Geo map

Geo Symposium

ROSSIJA ex C.C.C.P.   1966 K.6 3149 3147-151 7th Congress of Cristallogrphy  minerals
ROSSIJA ex C.C.C.P.   1968 K.  6 3466 3466-469 8th Congress for mineral researches 
ROSSIJA ex C.C.C.P.   1968 K.  6 3527 3527-529 Geological prospecting
ROSSIJA ex C.C.C.P.   1968 K. 10 3528   Geological prospecting for metal
ROSSIJA ex C.C.C.P.   1971 K. 6 3856 3273 8th World Petroleum Congress
ROSSIJA ex C.C.C.P.   1978 K. 15 4691 4690-692 Earth from space - Pamir
ROSSIJA ex C.C.C.P.   1986 K.10 5475 5474-477 Geological correlations 
SAINT- PIERRE & MIQUELON 1995 2,8 617 Strip 2 val Zircon
SAINT- PIERRE & MIQUELON 1995 16 618   Geological chart
SAINT- PIERRE & MIQUELON 2013 € 0,90 n.c. 1 val History of geology
SLOVENSKO 2006 32 Sk 497a Strip 2 val

Geological formation

Sandberg sandstone

SOLOMON Is. 1994 $ 2 x 2 783a BF 2 val The formation of volcanic Island arc
SOOMAALIYEED J.D. 1987 Sh.10 582 582-85 Geosom 87 - 160 million years ago
SOOMAALIYEED J.D. 1987 Sh.20 583   Geosom 87 - 60 million years ago
SOOMAALIYEED J.D. 1987 Sh.40 584   Geosom 87 - 15 million years ago
SOOMAALIYEED J.D. 1987 Sh.50 585   Geosom 87 - Today
SOUTH  AFRICA Republic 1989 18 c 766 766-69 Desertification - Soil conservation
SOUTH  AFRICA Republic 2016 I.S.L. Multi 1912-1921

Various geological cross-sections

Various geological cross-sections

TERRES  AUSTRALES  France 1987 16,8 C 97 1 val Ocean Drilling Program 
TERRES  AUSTRALES  France 1988 2,2 140 140-41  Geological Map - Kerguelen Is. 
TERRES  AUSTRALES  France 1988 15,5 141   Volcanic- Plutonic Complex - Kerguelen Is. 
TERRES  AUSTRALES  France 1999 29,2 256 1 val

Program Geoleta 

Georesearches Terra Adelia

TERRES  AUSTRALES  France 2002 € 0.46 311a BF + label Program Cartoker - Plate tectonics 
TERRES  AUSTRALES  France 2002  € 3.66 311b   Program Cartoker Island Kerguelen - Map 
TRINIDAD & TOBAGO 1979 10 c 308 308-11 4th Lat-Am - Geo Congress - Geothermal  
TRINIDAD & TOBAGO 1979 35 c 309   4th Lat-Am - Geo Congress - Hydrogeology
TRINIDAD & TOBAGO 1979 45 c 310   4th Lat-Am - Geo Congress - Petroleum 
TRINIDAD & TOBAGO 1979 70c 311   4th Lat-Am - Geo Congress - Environmental
TRISTAN  DE  CUNHA 1980 P.5 283 283-86 Mid atlantic ridge 
TRISTAN  DE  CUNHA 1982 P.5 320 320-23 Formation of an islands
TRISTAN  DE  CUNHA 1982 F.15 321   Cross section showing feeders
TRISTAN  DE  CUNHA 1982 P.25 322   Eruption
TRISTAN  DE  CUNHA 1982 P.35 323   Eruption


Last modified: Lunedì 30 gennaio 2023


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